Village trip with Eulenspiegel

Village trip with Eulenspiegel

May 5th, 2019: The highest height in the Harz mountains is covered with snow! Uh! The hiking offer of a friend for a walk in the snow up to the “Brocken” went unheard. Beginning of May I am rather looking for sensible heat not for white ice needles. Looking for an alternative I come across the roundtrips in the “Elm”,

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“Da wollen Sie heute noch hin?”

“Da wollen Sie heute noch hin?”

„You cannot get to this place today – you are not going to make it. And then, there is also the way back to where you started.” During the last three days, we were often faced with such expressions of amazement when asking for the way. To hike 65 km in three days and to collect twelve stamps of the

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Visiting friends

Visiting friends

Are you looking for a new challenge? If so, here comes a real insider tipp for you: the Drömling. Whoever is looking for tranquility, pure nature and friendly people, this is it. The nature reserve, situated in Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt, with its approx. etwa 320 km2 might be rather unknown. The Drömling is a refugium for rare and endangered

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Allah versus Coca Cola: What does that have to do with Iran?

Allah versus Coca Cola: What does that have to do with Iran?

Discussions on alleged rogue states in this world are numerous. Discussions with those states are little though. Generally there is talk about the opponents instead with them. This misery is being brought onstage by the play “Iran-Conference”. The drama had its opening night on March 30, 2019 at the “Kleines Haus” of the Brunswieck Staatstheater. The stage entertainment of the

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Beyond exoticism: African realities of an exhibition

Beyond exoticism: African realities of an exhibition

The exhibition “Ruth Baumgarte: Vision Africa. Turn of the fire” opened up yesterday at the Städtische Museum Brunswieck with a ceremonial act. I was lucky enough to be invited as well. The show displays selected pieces of Baumgartes Oeuvre, who travelled frequently to South and East-Africa from the 1980ies on. It is a very interesting exhibition that does not obey

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The magic of the Anatolian Lute

The magic of the Anatolian Lute

I love oriental Music. This confession might not come as a surprise to my attentive readers. Chances to listen to that kind of music in my city are rather seldom.That’s why my radar war alarmed right away when I learned that a concert with Anatolian music was taking place this saturday. Therefore I went to St. Thomas church in Melverode

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Positive Psychology: Have a go at your happiness!

Positive Psychology: Have a go at your happiness!

Wednesday was the international day of happiness. I have to admit that I was not aware of that day so far. However I was already familiar with the search for happiness. A bold venture for everybody, I guess. Not only Mr. Rossi (known from the animated cartoon series of the same name) tried to succeed in finding it, failed sometimes

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Lies and spices are siblings

Lies and spices are siblings

“Lies and spices are siblings. The lie turns every tasteless happening into a spicy meal. The truth and nothing but the truth is only expected in front of judges. But just as the flavour the lie is supposed to complete the story behind.” Titled “lies and spices are siblings” the one-hour reading by Dr. Andreas Döring takes place on March

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The year of the rabbits

The year of the rabbits

Last year my boy-friend and I discovered private views for us. Well, it is not only about the partly served free drinks and appetizers (however, we do not reject them). In fact, it is nice to start the weekend with an unexpected interesting event. A happening, like we might not have expected it in a big small town like Brunswieck.

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