Lake Constance in the south of Germany is a popular holiday destination. We used the end of a holiday in the Allgäu for make a detour on Lindau on our way back. We put up at the Bayrischer Hof – sometimes, you’re owned a little treat. From our hotel window we have a fantastic view onto the concise port entrance of Lindau with the Bavarian Lion on the left side and the lighthouse on the right.

By bike to Bregenz
Having started at Bad Hindelang, we first make a detour to Wangen which belongs to the Baden-Württemberg side of the Allgäu. The old part of the town lures us with its gothic frontages and its half-timbered houses. We enter the historical centre through the St. Martins‘ gate and reach the Paradiesstraße (paradise road).
Upon our arrival at Linda we hop on our bikes and ride along Lake Constance to Bregenz. The route is nice and almost flat, therefore it does not take much strength to get there. At Bregenz we chose a cozy café down at the harbour and watch the hustle and bustle at the waterside. Next to carriage-rides and bachelorette parties there is a lot to see.

Taking the sun king for sun set
Back at Lindau we take a stroll through the croweded city. It is impossible to find a diner table without reservation. Walking through the streets we do not only discover the Narrenbrunnen (fountain of fools). It’s the numerous and bold sparrows populating the chairs and tables of the restaurants and cafés looking out for somthing to eat that catch our eye.
We sit down by the riverside and enjoy the evening sun and a glass of wine. We suck up the wonderful atmosphere of this place. From afar we hear some music. Later on on the terrace of the Corner Café with a view onto the lake we enjoy not only our diner but also watch a selected company which pleases itself on the boat „Sonnenkönig“.

High above Lake Constance
The next day we enjoy a rich breakfast. Afterwards we decide to climb up the thirty-six metres up to the top oft he lighthouse. The sweaty ascend ends on the panoramic plattform and shows the city at its best. Having a band playing and showing some Bavarian folk dances we enjoy the hole scenery from above from our seat in a box.
