Guest room

Last year I reported from Fashon-Mekka Munich, by detecting shopaholic Arabs coming obviously from the rich Gulf-states. In the meantime it seems that the caravan moved on – to nearby Austria. Tom y absolute surprise I spotted them now in swanky Zell am See and Salzburg as well as at the Krimmler Waterfalls. On the way I noticed the expression

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Al-dschihad al-akbar ua al-dschihad al-asghar

Have you heard about the “big” and “small” jihad by now? In German language the surch for both terms generate 133.000 hits. Since last tuesday (14.09) or at least after part two on wednesday every TV-watching German knows the difference between the big and the small effort. The two-parts documentation “Whereto does the Islam drift”, Part 1 and Part 2,

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There was a murming in the press

Looking into the press makes it obvious: There must be a chance of making money in this emirat. Whether it is “Dubai Magazin”, das “Dubai Business Magazine” or the classy “Concierge”, the emirate at the Gulf seems to be worth a magazine. Whereas the press in Europe seems to be downsizing, the Gulf states are still publishing. The picture gallery

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Begging letters to the Gulf

We are used to oddities from the Gulf States – not the other way round. An article from the political magazine Spiegel online about wealth in the Gulf States made me google. The so called “Saudi Rich List” of the magazine “Arabian Business” made me curious and some fortune hunters may pay some extra attention right now. Let us take

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How a new Gulf is constructed

Nein, dies ist kein Artikel über den niedersächsischen Autokonzern und sein Flagschiff. Wir bewegen und in wärmeren Gefilden, den Golfstaaten. Zu diesen gehört auch Dubai, das wohl bekannteste Mitglied der Staatengruppe. Mittlerweile werden das zweitgrößte Emirat und der Begriff “Golf” fast synonym gebraucht. Längst droht Dubai die restlichen Golfstaaten ins Abseits zu drängen. Auch wenn es immer wieder Anläufe der

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Briefly reported: German railway at the Gulf

The customer magazine “mobile” of the German train company, vol. 4/2009 informs us that “some states in the Middle east are massively investing into railroad systems.” DB International, that’s the name of the subsidiary company, commite engineers to the projects. More precisely to Saudi Arabia and to some emirates on the Persian Gulf. The projects deal with the so called

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