Pao do Acucar and Teide in the South Harz Mountains

Christina/ May 13, 2018/ The daily grind, Categories

Here comes the good news: For taking a Selfie on the Spanish Teide or the Brasilian Pão de Açúcar you do not have to take a plane anymore, because all you need is just around the corner. Take the car, the train or the bus and just drive to the South Harz Mountains. Take a nice stroll around Sangershausen and enjoy the marvelous panoramic views of the Wettelroder sugar loaf mountain or Teide, depending on what suits you better.

In order to make it more authentic take a classy Caipi or some patatas arrugadas con salsa with you and grab your pickup from the last holidays or from the local samba school and nothing will prevent you from having a Caribbean feeling deep in the Harz mountains. And while you are at it, just walk along the karst trail for a change instead of climbing the Harzer Hexenstieg or the Brocken.

Several times we wondered yesterday why the region around Sangershausen is not better merchandised by the Harzer Tourism Association? But maybe this delightful spot is so exclusive that they simply want to keep to themselves? Simply, something like a real insider tip with in the Harz without agitation, narrow-gauge railway and Friede and Heinz from Wanne-Eickel? Well, a real hideaway, the Hamptons in the Harz Mountains? If so, folks, then just keep on hiking on the Götheweg or creeping on top of the witches’ dance floor whereas I enjoy my Caipi on the Pão de Açúcar.

All the best – also for me!

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