Corona diary: Coach enterprises at the end of their rope

Corona diary: Coach enterprises at the end of their rope

We are still in the middle of a crisis nobody could have anticipated in its degree. But, after two months of a business lockdown owners start to get nervous. Their future is uncertain and some of them might have reched the end of their rope already. I could witness an impact of these consequences myself yesterday in Hannover when I

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What is actually ..?

The economic development of a big German publishing company deserved my fully attention recently. Among others they said “we want to expand to foreign countries. Next to India and China we are thinking of the panarabic region.” Instantly I wondered what the panarabic region could be? Panarabism, if it ever existed, I would attribute to the time when there were

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MEED – Middle East Business Intelligence

Wer sich ausführlich und aktuell über wirtschaftliche und politische Themen im Mittleren Osten und darüber hinaus informieren will, kommt an MEED – Middle East Business Intelligence nicht vorbei. Das englische Magazin berichtet seit über 50 Jahren aus der Region. Im Hinblick auf Informationstiefe und -qualität habe ich bisher nichts Besseres gefunden.
