Lette Valeska: Stars Without Glamour

Lette Valeska: Stars Without Glamour

Since September 2023, the Municipal Museum in Braunschweig has been showcasing the exhibition: “Stars Without Glamour.” The exhibition, for the first time in Germany, features portrait photographs by the Braunschweig artist Valeska Heymann, nee Heinemann. Not only are the images interesting, but equally compelling is the life story of this Braunschweig native. Undoubtedly, she too belonged to the “Strong Women

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women in resistance: in the past and today

women in resistance: in the past and today

Women resisting against dictatorship, suppression and unjustness – it has always been. The courageous suffragetes for example at the beginning of the twentieth century who fight for their rights. Then the brave women during the NS regime resisting against a dictatorship. May it be as political prisoner at the concentration camp Ravensbrück or as heroine of a novel, called Charly

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Andreas Feininger: Old New World

Andreas Feininger: Old New World

Andreas Feininger is a pioneer of modern photo journalism. That’s what the supporting programme of the exhibition Old New World claims. Upon the sunday guided tour through the show Feininger is even said to be the inventor of skyline photography. Also, he is the son of Lyonel Feininger, the well-known painter. At present an exposition is dedicted to the photographer

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Brunswick 1944: pictures you will not forget

Brunswick 1944: pictures you will not forget

During an organized walk in the course of the exhibition: “October 15th – the destruction of Brunswick” we learn how desastrous the bombing of the city in October 1944 really was. We visit places that have been destroyed and get to know facts on the impact of the destruction on people and the city.

Little big feelings on  canvas

Little big feelings on canvas

Since yesterday the Städtisches Museum in Brunswick hosts a new exhibition on the so called Düsseldorfer Schule. The grand opening took place yesterday among invited guests with music coming from the original grand piano of Clara Schumann.

The destruction of Brunswick

The destruction of Brunswick

Summary of the German article “Der Tod der alten Stadt Braunschweig”. Starting September 2nd to October 15th, 2019 the Städtische Museum Braunschweig (and five other places) hosts an exhibition on the devastating bombing of Brunswick on the night of October 15th in 1944. The exhibition is subdivided into six chapters that are meant to distinguish the individual artist’s approach to

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Beyond exoticism: African realities of an exhibition

Beyond exoticism: African realities of an exhibition

The exhibition “Ruth Baumgarte: Vision Africa. Turn of the fire” opened up yesterday at the Städtische Museum Brunswieck with a ceremonial act. I was lucky enough to be invited as well. The show displays selected pieces of Baumgartes Oeuvre, who travelled frequently to South and East-Africa from the 1980ies on. It is a very interesting exhibition that does not obey

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