Plant diversity on La Réunion

Plant diversity on La Réunion

La Réunion, a French volcanic island in the Indian Ocean, is distinguished by its impressive plant diversity. With advancements in technology, especially plant identification apps like “Picture This,” visitors can expand their knowledge of plants and explore the island’s rich flora. The plant life on La Réunion is diverse and remarkable. Familiar plants like the poinsettia, globe flower, and St.

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Corona-Diary: Running out of soap

Corona-Diary: Running out of soap

It is weired how some products who nobody took really notice of so far come to the fore in times of crisis: soap dispensers and toilet paper. In expert groups there is talk of “white gold”. I do not know whether these paper rolls made of cellulose are already traded on the stock exchange, instead of bitcoins. Well, joking aside.

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