Between Pond and Lake: Gut Adolphshof Loop from Schwicheldt

Christina/ May 22, 2024/ The daily grind

We start in the small village of Schwicheldt. We cross the Mittelland Canal and then turn right before the shooting club. Not far from our starting point, the first highlight awaits us on the right: the pond of the Peine Fishing Club. An oasis of tranquility for people and a playground for animals: we spot birds, coots, water striders, and dragonflies of all kinds and sizes. Yellow irises and water lilies complete the panorama.

On the pier, whose wooden planks are already somewhat rickety, there is a great observation point. First, we discover the yellow irises on the shore. A single white water lily has just bloomed. Next to it, dragonflies in various colors and sizes are frolicking. Water striders can be seen here and there. Further back, a coot with its young can be seen. Could the family be on a Sunday outing? In the background, we hear different bird songs. In our ears, it sounds like a small Sunday concert. We listen reverently for a while and enjoy the magnificent panorama and the wonderful atmosphere. Only when a car disturbs the peace and anglers want to get onto the pier do we move on. Although it is not part of the official route, we walk around the pond once. We linger at one spot for a while. This is where the frogs sit. The amphibians exhibit different skin tones, ranging from a spring-like yellow-green to an almost brown tone. The animals blend perfectly with their surroundings and are not so easy to spot.

Next to the frogs, cheerful bird songs can be heard again. Blue banded demoiselles frolic on the shore. But larger specimens also dance with each other in the sunlight. Unfortunately, they move so fast and so hectically that it is difficult to take a good photo. We are so fascinated that we hardly notice the time passing. I could stay here forever. Finally, we move a little further and there they are: two beautiful pink water lilies. I am completely thrilled. It doesn’t get any better than this.

However, since we are still at the beginning of our hike, we must slowly move on. The impressions we gained at the pond accompany us for quite a while. In the meantime, the air has become quite muggy. Isolated thunderstorms are forecasted for the afternoon and the first dark clouds are already piling up behind us. We consider taking a coffee break at Gut Adolpshof. It’s a good idea in principle, but unfortunately, the farm café is closed on Sundays and holidays. That’s really a shame because the farm has wonderful orchards with tables and chairs.

Looking into the garden, we notice a special kind of photo exhibition. It features photographs of people wearing body paint that makes them blend perfectly into their surroundings. The viewer must look very closely to distinguish the photographed person from the landscape. Truly great and very aesthetic shots. Well, since we obviously won’t be getting any refreshments here, we turn to the last part of our hike. Luckily, the weather holds up, and the storm bypasses us!

Back in Schwicheldt, we set our course for the Kunsthof Mehrum. I discovered this place in a flyer about Open Gardens in the Peine district. Here we finally take the coffee break that was denied to us at Gut Adolphshof. While we enjoy our break, we look around a bit. The audience is quite mixed, but mostly older. Coffee and cake seem to be of greater interest than the garden. To be fair, there isn’t much to see either. Between tall, uncut grass, there is a sculpture trail. Clearly, we are not very art-savvy, but the supposedly crafted natural stones priced at 500 to 1,700 euros don’t impress us. Since there is nothing else exciting to discover, except for dolled-up ladies prancing through the garden with Prosecco glasses and taking selfies, we quickly end our visit here.

The St. Peter’s Church of Equord On the way to Mehrum, we had spotted a distinctive building from a distance: the St. Mark’s Church. Who would have thought that such a small village would be home to a piece of Italian Baroque architecture? And true to style, the barons and baronesses of Hammerstein to Equord are buried here. Unfortunately, we were not able to look inside the manor church. But even from the outside, the building makes an impressive sight.

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