Happy on New Year’s day: Get out and hike!

Christina/ January 3, 2023/ The daily grind

It could be a resolution for the new year: Get out and hike! Maybe that’s what the rambling club of Lutter am Barenberge was thinking of when they errected the sign with the statement above Nauen. But not only New Year’s Day, also the time between Christmas and New Year’s Eve will be bridged in a sportive way. Finally the feast should not rest for too long on the hips. A visit to the Walbecker Warten within the Lappwald and a circle around the Außenalster can put things right. And for all who want more I recommend a shopping rallye over the Neuer Wall of Hamburg.

Between Christmas and New Year’s Eve
Unfortunately the weather is often not very tempting and does drag me outside. But well, somehow I have to bridge the time between breakfast and coffee time. That’s why we are aiming for the Drillingskiefer within the Lappwald to stretch our legs. On our way we pass by the two Walbecker Warten (towers), a part of the former Landwehr in the medieval age. Right in the middle of the stroll we are caught by a heavy rain shower, which was predicted for 4 p.m. We go back to the car, the afternoon windings is waiting.

Luxury and Reeperbahn-slang in Hamburg
After Christmas we drive to the waterkant (waterfront). The weather is also rainy here. Still, fresh air is obligatory. We walk into the city centre. We finally end up in the luxury shopping mile called „Neuer Wall“. Here you can find the „who is who“ of all fashion labels. Almost awestruck the „after Christmas“ sales discount fans are pushing over the pricey place. Partly people are queuing up in front of the stores. Of course in front of Louis Vuitton, but also at Chanel and Gucci. I do not feel comfortable with all that people and luxury around me in the face of the fact that another part of Europe is being attacked. We are fed up and rather head for some french fries to the Café Paris. This place is usually packed. However we can manage to get three seats at the bar.

A blue mosque at the alster
Next day we do our obligatory stroll around the Außenalster. On our way we pass by the blue mosque of Imam Ali. It is funny but I have been here many times but until now I did not notice the blue mosque of Hamburg. Even though the building has two impressive minarets I cannot imagine that the muezzin calls five times a day for prayer. Or does he? At the end of our stroll we reach the luxury hotel Vier Jahreszeiten presenting two shacking reindeers at the entrance.
Sex? Only with a french letter!

At the Hansequarter we enter one of the numerous shopping malls. What a nice decision. They have an Astra store in here. Perfect! I am a big fan of the commercials that are composed using „Reeperbahn-slang“. Maybe the slogans are not really „politically correct“ but it always comes with a twinkling eye and always very funny. We take a good look around in the store. They have nice things, but expensive too.

New Year’s march instead of concert
Right a the beginning of the new year we have to be on the dole. No we are not broke. We only want to fill up our Stempelheft of the Nördliches Harzvorland. Around Liebenburg there are still some gaps to fill. The first stamps can be quickly collected by car. Afterwards we drive to Nauen, close to Lutter am Barenberge, where we intend to walk along the nature trail.

This is the interesting part of our hike. We enter a territory that was setting to a battle of the Thirty Years‘ War. From the observation deck we enjoy a view onto the Brocken and the Lutter-Becken.
The battle took place on August 27th, 1626 and is supposed to be one of the heaviest fights during the war. The well-known general Tilly was fighting as a military leader of the catholic imperial league against the Protestant troops under the reign of the Danish king Christian IV. Tilly achieved his eighteenth victory.
After his history lesson we follow the circle round called „Braune Heide“. It is a hiking trail of 10.5 kilometres and crosses the Nauener forest. It is already begins to dawn when we return to our car.

New Year’s pint at the Hasenspring
Zum Schluss geht es nach Salzgitter. Am Hasenspringweg liegt eine Waldgaststätte. Schon von Weitem sehen wir die Lichter. Entweder ist die Silvesterfeier verlängert worden oder der Neujahrsfrühschoppen ist noch im vollen Gange. Das Häuschen mit dem Stempel Nummer 16 steht direkt vor dem Gebäude. Mit sechs neuen Stempeln im Heftchen treten wir zufrieden den Rückweg an. Eine schöne Ausbeute am Neujahrstag.

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